Launch of the socio-economic evaluation of the groupers in Saint-Martin!


From June 22 to 28, 2019, the agents of the National Natural Reserve of Saint-Martin welcomed the CERMES team (Center for Resource Management and Environmental Studies) from Barbados in order to train the agents in the socio-economic evaluation method. economical, SocMon.

• Socio-economic assessment

Present in European LIFE programs, this action aims to assess the social and economic impact of the actions of the Life BIODIV'OM program. To this end, questionnaires are carried out and submitted to stakeholders and local populations, in particular to assess the knowledge and perception of the species and habitats targeted by the program and will also allow the social and economic benefits of the project actions to be measured. Several themes will therefore be addressed such as jobs, employee qualification, the green economy, sustainable development, eco-responsible activities or territorial dynamics.

As a reminder, in Saint-Martin, the species targeted by Life are the Nassau grouper and the giant grouper.

• The SocMon method

The SocMon method (Socio-economic Monitoring for Coastal Management) developed by CERMES of the University of West Indies in Barbados is a specific method for assessing socio-economic impacts.

This method mainly targets coastal populations and studies in particular the relationships between these populations and the marine environment that they exploit or that is put under protection.

The method has already been used in the Caribbean, notably in Anguilla, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica or Saint Lucia but also on other sites in Central America, the Pacific, South Asia or Indian Ocean (Source

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