The territory of Saint-Martin now has a Local Mission 


The Collectivity of Saint-Martin set up its Local Mission on Tuesday, December 7. The first General Assembly of the Local Mission of Saint-Martin was held in the presence of the Prefect Serge Gouteyron, President Daniel Gibbs, Senator Annick Petrus (by video), Vice-President Sofia Carti-Codrington, President CCISM Angèle Dormoy, Territorial Councilors Annette Philips and Maud Ascent-Gibs, partners of the system and administrative staff of the Collectivity and the prefecture. 

Over the next few weeks, the local Mission will install the devices relating to its missions in the service of the professional integration of young Saint-Martinois. These devices will then be presented to the public. 

The next step will consist in recruiting an administrative team, which once installed, will be responsible for the administrative functioning and the animation of the structure.  

The recruitment phase of a director, a management assistant, a reception agent, a project manager and 3 integration advisers will be launched in January 2022 and publicized throughout the territory. 

Job interviews will be carried out in February with the aim of opening the structure on March 1, 2022. 

The creation of the local Mission is a strong act for the territory and its youth. This achievement stems from the stated will of the community of Saint-Martin, initiated in 2016 under the chairmanship of Aline Hanson, and from pugnacious work carried out in recent months by the Human Development delegation in conjunction with its institutional partners. 

President Daniel Gibbs, Vice-President Annick Pétrus replaced in September 2020 by Vice-President Sofia Carti-Codrington, supported this project, the technical implementation of which was carried by DGA Jocelyn Elouin assisted by his teams. A collective achievement, eagerly awaited by the young people of the territory, that the Collectivity of Saint-Martin is pleased to realize today with the financial assistance of the State and institutional partners. The 2022 budget of the Local Mission will amount to € 656 divided between the State (DEETS), DRAJES, ARS, Pôle Emploi, COM. 

In a tense social context, with an unemployment rate among those under 25, which has risen significantly over the past 3 years (520 young job seekers) and more than 1000 young people identified without a job, no diploma or training, the local Mission comes to meet an urgent need. 

As President Gibbs said at the opening of the meeting, "the local Mission will make it possible to organize and structure the territory's institutional response to the problems encountered by young Saint-Martinois". 

The president of the structure, Annick Pétrus, praised the involvement of the administrative teams and assured the assistance of his investment in the service of the Local Mission.

This new system is part of the collective will to act effectively on the issue of youth employment for real “real equality” with France. "We are giving ourselves the means to achieve our ambitions, for more jobs, creativity and prosperity", concluded the President.

The members present at the General Assembly elected the members of the Bureau of the local Mission: 

President: Annick petrus

Vice-president: Annette Phillips

Secretary : Sofia Carti Codrington

Assistant Secretary: Angela Dormoy

Treasurer: Maud Ascent-Gibs

The office is elected for a period of 3 months, it will be renewed after the territorial elections of March 2022. 


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