HOUSING: The Collectivity sets up its Local Housing Plan


Launched in December 2022, the first phase of the development of the Local Housing Program (PLH) of the Collectivity of Saint-Martin is coming to an end today.

On June 9, the steering committee (COPIL) of the project supervised by the 2nd vice-president Bernadette Davis, met at the Hôtel de la Collectivité, in order to validate the proposals of the technical committee (COTECH), itself even met the previous Monday at the CCISM. The exchanges initiated within the COPIL have punctuated the work carried out in recent months. The PLH is therefore entering an operational phase.

As a reminder, the Collectivity of Saint-Martin started the process, in December 2022, with a phase of territorial diagnosis aimed at better understanding the situation of housing and accommodation in Saint-Martin.

This first step led to the following diagnosis:

– A territory losing attractiveness and changing housing needs

– Part of the existing stock with improvement needs

– A real estate market in tension only partially meeting the needs of the population

The objective of the Collectivity through the implementation of a Local Housing Plan is to:

– Regain residential attractiveness by producing a supply of new housing

– Make the reconquest of the existing stock a priority

– Develop a land strategy in line with the needs of the territory

– Provide an offer adapted to different audiences

– Structuring Housing competence within the territorial institution.

The second stage, currently in progress, consists of defining an operational action program based on the decisions taken on June 9th. The Collectivity will inform the population at each stage of the system and the implementation of operational actions.

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