“In Saint-Martin, the Semsamar was severely shaken by Irma but we took up the challenge and the challenge of reconstruction. Major major rehabilitation projects have been underway since mid-2018, ”said Marie-Paule Bélénus-Romana, the director general of the Société d'économie mixte de Saint-Martin. One after Irma, Semsamar held a press conference on Monday September 3 to take stock of the rehabilitation of its park, which includes, among other things, 1085 social housing units.
The Director General recalled that the reconstruction phase, the cost of which amounts to nearly 50 million euros, began the day after Irma. Emergency works and tenders were launched in September-October 2017. The last two months of the year were devoted to feasibility studies and the award of contracts. Between January and March, tenants were consulted, job dating for the hiring of young Saint-Martin residents on construction sites, award of engineering contracts, and launch of consultations with the selected companies. Between April and June, the works contracts were awarded. The first projects started in June.
Semsamar ensures that as of August 31, work was underway in almost all of the residences. A year after Irma, many of the tenants in her social park still lack doors, windows and bay windows. Some still live under tarpaulins. In Concordia, around thirty dwellings are still undergoing infiltration. By the end of July, 10% of the rehabilitation works had been completed. The pace should pick up now that the vacation is over and everything has been set up. "The objective is that this first phase, which consists of securing the accommodation (roofing / roofing, exterior joinery, electricity, drinking water network, wastewater drainage network, flexible partitions and interior joinery) will be completed in December. »Says Yannick Beaud, operations manager at Semsamar. For this first phase of rehabilitation, Semsamar released 32,4 million euros and awarded 675 public contracts, awarded to around fifty companies. (More details on www.soualigapost.com)
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