Fight against informal fishing: Review of controls carried out in the Northern Islands in October


The State services, the manager of the National Nature Reserve of Saint-Martin and the Territorial Environment Agency of the Collectivity of Saint-Barthélemy, are brought in, within the framework of the regional fisheries control plan (PRCP ), to organize and coordinate operations of random checks of vessels and persons engaged in fishing, distribution or sale of fishery products.

In this context, during the month of October, the various control operations resulted in the establishment, on Saint-Martin, of three apprehension reports of fishery products and equipment used for this purpose and , on Saint-Barthélemy, to four apprehension reports.

All the fishing products and equipment thus apprehended were seized. The stated objective of these controls is both to preserve the fishery resource and to reduce the unfair competition generated by this activity vis-à-vis the professional fishermen of these two islands.


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