“From a personal point of view, I think that the vast majority of motorists respect the highway code in the region. Unfortunately, there are always exceptions like everywhere else. Many two-wheeler riders feel a little above the law or do not have control over it. They take reckless risks on the road for themselves and for other road users. This is how serious accidents happen.”
“The behavior of road users in Saint-Martin is sometimes surprising! The road does not seem to be a place where we respect all the obligations linked to the highway code. Some motorists stop, chat, take their time without worrying about other road users. On another note, we often observe excessive speeding on sections of the road limited to 50 or 70 km/h. These are dangerous behaviors that must be changed.”
“In Saint-Martin particularly, I find that motorists show courtesy while driving. Despite numerous traffic jams, they are patient. Now, everything is not perfect, far from it. There is too much risky behavior on the island, particularly among young people riding two-wheelers. It is the main cause of deaths unfortunately recorded each year in Saint-Martin.” _AF
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