“Between the bad information disseminated in order to drive tourists from the French side and the slowness of the authorities to act with decent collection towers, I remain speechless. The situation in Cul de Sac is incredible, it is a veritable carpet of endless Sargassum. No more shuttle to go to Pinel, the smells are unbearable, we are still talking about hydrogen sulphide and ammonia emanations here, so we live cloistered and it will continue like that for two weeks according to the DEAL forecasts. (*). I really hope that the authorities will react upstream to speed up the collection process! " Ludo
“No one is unaware that this problem is recurrent, every year it happens and yet no official draws a lesson from it. What we live in this moment is both unlivable and inadmissible. The responsiveness of the people concerned makes me ask myself a lot of questions. It's always the same story and we feel more and more isolated in the face of the situation. It leaves me terribly angry. And I'm not even talking about the economic consequences, the Covid crisis has already brought us all to our knees, the invasion of Sargassum will eventually finish us off. " Edward
“The stranding of Sargassum is certainly part of the daily life of Saint-Martin, but having reached such a point makes me question a lot of things, politically speaking. We now have access to more forecasting tools such as the SAMtool Alert (**) which tracks the movement of Sargassum by satellite, or to brilliant initiatives such as the Sargasse Project which proposes to transform Sargassum into paper and cardboard, with a circular economy ambition, so what are the Collectivity and even the State waiting for to think about sustainable and proactive solutions? " Marie
(*) Department of the Environment, Planning and Housing of Guadeloupe
(**) Developed by the Space Climate Observatory (SCO)
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