The new internet exchange point is now deployed and ready to receive the interconnection of IXP members. The official launch of this device which offers, among other things, a better internet connection speed took place this Friday, October 21 at the Collectivity of Saint-Martin with all the actors of the CaribIX project.
An innovative project carried out brilliantly by Eve Riboud of Dauphin Telecom since 2013 and launched virtually last March by the CTU (Caribbean Telecommunications Union), Smart-IX offers better security and quality of Internet service on the territory, as well as a faster connection speed. Last Friday, the signing of an IXP memorandum of understanding also shows the will of the participants to start peering (or pairing which designates the exchange of Internet traffic with other operators or content providers for more interconnection of peer-to-peer between networks). During the official ceremony, the various speakers took the floor in turn to congratulate themselves on having materialized a project like Smart-IX which improves internal communications and the resilience of Saint-Martin via a high quality internet flow. . Alain Richardson, 1st vice-president of the Collectivité, presided over the launch, accompanied by Eve Riboud, general manager of Dauphin Telecom, and Gary Kalloo, project coordinator at CTU, the duo to whom we owe the existence of Smart -IX which is part of the CaribIX project, Jean Arnell, director of Computech and Kendall Dupersoy, director of TELEM. As the CaribIX project is co-financed by the Interreg Caribbean program and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for a total cost of €670.072, Gilles Bazajet, director of Interreg Caribbean, expressed his pleasure in formalizing the remote event. Eve Riboud declared "It is finally a reality for our fellow citizens and this successful human adventure also proves that we are capable of carrying out such a technical project, without any competition between the different operators whom I thank, and even if I am very happy to have participated in this joint project, I am already thinking about the next step! ". Saint-Martin's new internet exchange point, Smart-IX, is managed by SAS Tintamarre and coordinated by Computech. For computer language lovers, the hardware installed includes a Cisco ASR router, two Cisco Nexus switches and two Dell management servers, as well as a Fortinet firewall for secure remote management access. IXP Manager has been implemented for the monitoring of the traffic that remains internal and the management of the infrastructure that will support the Internet protocols IPv4 and IPv6.
The Community keeps as a priority to offer its population internet access worthy of the name by supporting projects such as CaribIX and Smart-IX which work for economic development and digital transformation, the strategic benefits of which are redirected to all players. _VX
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