This Wednesday, September 25, 2024 is a memorable day for the territory of Saint-Martin, nine territorial police officers were awarded the medal of honor for the first time for acts of courage and dedication by the delegated prefect of the Northern Islands, Vincent Berton.
It was with great emotion that the seven officers present received this award, which marks their courage in having helped one or more people in danger of death in the exercise of their duties, at the risk of their own lives.
During this unique and founding moment in the history of the territorial police of Saint-Martin, the prefect Vincent Berton wished to salute the bravery, the altruism and the professionalism of these agents: “With this distinction, you enter into the chivalry of those (…) who are ready to pay the price of blood in the service of the nation and the people of Saint-Martin”.
The 9 territorial police officers awarded the medal of honor for acts of courage and devotion
Senior Brigadier-Chief Patrick Paines
Off duty on February 14, 2023, he witnessed an assault with theft in Marigot on a woman. He intervened immediately and set off in pursuit of the attacker. Patrick Paines managed to intercept him and proceeded to arrest him despite strong resistance from the individual before handing him over to the police to be placed in police custody.
Brigadier-Chief Jean Landefort
Brigadier-Chief Jean Baly
Brigadier Guard Eric Francis (*)
Brigadier Guard Enguerran Theodore (*)
(*) absent during the ceremony due to training in Guadeloupe
On June 30, 2024, while they were securing a sporting event, they heard a radio alert from their colleagues. Knowing the streets of Marigot perfectly, they quickly spotted the reported individual and set off in pursuit. During the pursuit, they noticed that the individual was armed and arrested him, not without difficulty, despite the dangerous situation.
Senior Brigadier Edward Glascow
Chief Brigadier Ernest Minville
Brigadier-Chief Martin Adams
Brigadier-Guardian Erika Daniel
On June 30, 2024, the team of 4 officers intervened to lend a hand to the gendarmerie during a chase involving a vehicle with 4 individuals on board who refused to comply. While 2 territorial police officers immediately set up a system to intercept two potentially dangerous and armed men who fled on foot, the other two officers set off in pursuit. Thanks to their intervention, the two individuals were able to be arrested. During this operation, Chief Brigadier Glasgow injured his knees and Brigadier Daniel injured his ankle.
Congratulations to them for this well-deserved distinction. _Vx
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