Renewal and strengthening of the drinking water network at Oyster Pond


Last week, the Water and Sanitation Establishment of Saint-Martin (EEASM) began work to improve the drinking water networks on Avenue du Lagon in Oyster Pond.

This investment will make it possible to increase the hydraulic capacity of the network and limit leaks in this sector. The drinking water network will be renewed from the intersection with rue de l'Escale to the border with Sint Maarten. Work began last week and will be completed by the end of September. They are carried out by the company Trav'Eaux Caraïbes.

The section under construction will operate in alternating traffic, regulated by traffic lights. Construction hours begin at 7 a.m. and end at 17 p.m. on weekdays. Parking is prohibited on the site. This work is being implemented as part of the renewal, improvement and compliance program for drinking water networks and structures. They benefit from financial aid from the State (€266.180) and the Collectivity of Saint-Martin (€90.820) via the convergence and transformation contract for a total budget of €420.000 (EEASM €63.000). The Water and Sanitation Establishment of Saint-Martin thanks the population for its support in this process aimed at improving the drinking water networks of the island of Saint-Martin. _VX

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