Nature reserve: Establishment of the first Life BIODIV'OM Monitoring Committee


Last week, the first Life BIODIV'OM Monitoring Committee was organized by the National Nature Reserve of Saint-Martin. The Committee is made up of local scientific experts and members of the AGRNSM (Association for the Management of the Natural Reserve of Saint-Martin).

Doctor in marine biology, project manager in international cooperation and environment, environmental engineer and aquaculturist, so many experts who make up the Monitoring Committee, and who were able to give their opinions and recommendations to the AGRNSM on the scientific actions of Life BIODIV'OM.

The actions of the Life BIODIV'OM program in Saint-Martin focus on two species of grouper, the giant grouper and the Nassau grouper. According to specialists, these two species of fish are mainly threatened by a lack of regulations in the territories with regard to fishing, the destruction of habitats, such as coral reefs or climatic events. To overcome these threats, the AGRNSM conducts consultation workshops with professional fishermen and boaters, in order to learn more about fishing practices. The AGRNSM will put in place a guide of good practices for boaters, and will set up a participative network in order to collect the maximum of data by users of the sea, divers, etc.

This year 2019, the association has started a larval recruitment protocol, with the aim of strengthening knowledge of the species. It also managed to put in place a new decree which prohibits fishing for Nassau grouper and giant grouper on the island of Saint-Martin, as regards recreational sea fishing._RM

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