S. Boueilh present in Saint-Martin to talk not about sport but about sexual violence


Sébastien Boueilh is a former rugby player from the South West. He is traveling to the West Indies to talk not about sport but about sexual violence. To encourage young people to denounce the facts of which they are victims. Last Friday, he was in Saint-Martin and intervened in the school environment.

From the first minutes, he sets the scene: he was raped between the ages of 12 and 16 and spoke about it for the first time 18 years later. The perpetrator was sentenced in 2013. Sébastien Boueilh immediately created an association, Colossus with clay feet. Since then he has traveled the roads of France to talk about this often taboo subject.

On Friday, he told his story to young people from Mont des Accords college, Daniela Jeffry professional high school, at the sports hall and held a conference in the evening. Its objective was to make young minors understand consent, abnormal behavior of adults, and to expose the dangers of social networks etc.

Simply and with concrete examples, Sébastien Boueilh explained to them the moment from which they could be victims of rape or sexual assault by an adult or not. The notion of consent and “voluntary choice” to have sexual relations was widely discussed, without taboo.

At his side was the association Trait d'Union-France Victimes, which intervenes locally. Its director, Olivier Fatou, explained to him to the young people the means at their disposal in Saint-Martin to denounce sexual assaults, the penalties that the perpetrators incur, etc.

At the end of an intervention, three young girls left, in tears.


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