HEALTH-AUTONOMY: Structuring the medico-social offer in the territory


The 4th vice-president of the COM, Michel Petit and his DGA Stuyvesant Lewis-Gumbs went to Guadeloupe, on Friday April 26, to meet Virginie Magnant, general director of the national solidarity fund for autonomy (CNSA ), newly managing institution of the 5rd branch of Social Security.

As part of its cooperation actions with departmental communities and regional health agencies, the CNSA has started, since 2023, territorial meetings with a view to discussing directly around the major projects of the autonomy policy. With the support of the Memorandum of Understanding between the State and the Community of Saint-Martin, the actors of the Territorial Autonomy branch were thus able to exchange views (ARS, Community and CNSA) to move forward with the same momentum on the issues encountered locally. During a privileged time of exchanges, the delegation composed of Michel Petit, Mr. Stuyvesant Lewis-Gumbs, interim DGA of the Solidarity-Health-Famille delegation, was able to present the progress of the territory of Saint-Martin, in terms of medico-social equipment and the guidelines provided by President Louis Mussington.

Laurent Legendart, director general of the Regional Health Agency of Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy (ARS) and Paul Guibert, ARS territorial delegate in the Northern Islands, were also present during the discussions, accompanied by the various ARS service managers in the medico-social field.

In the context of the recent vote of the law of April 8, 2024 initiating measures to build the society of aging well and autonomy, legislative basis which will allow the COM of Saint-Martin to create its own territorial house of Autonomy, vice-president Michel Petit was able to initiate discussion on the following themes: the terms of agreement between the State and the CNSA, socio-demographic data and other specificities of the territory, the creation of consultative bodies falling within the field of Autonomy and the forward-looking organization of certain regulatory mechanisms in terms of evaluation, coordination and support for users (respite assistance, analysis of complex situations, multidisciplinarity of evaluation teams, etc.).


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