HEALTH / Dengue: the epidemic is progressing


Last Friday, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Guadeloupe, Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin published its latest report relating to the dengue epidemic which is raging in the three territories. If the situation remains relatively calm on our island, the spread of the disease is increasing considerably on the other two archipelagos.

The results recorded by the ARS are as follows concerning Guadeloupe: 860 cases clinically suggestive of dengue fever were counted compared to 830 a week earlier, the latter requiring 31 visits to the Emergency Department of Basse-Terre or Pointe-à-Pitre compared to 70 previously, 7 people were hospitalized. Guadeloupe has experienced 13 major arbovirus epidemics in 5 years which were the cause of dozens of deaths and hundreds of hospitalizations. Experts predict the situation will deteriorate in the coming years. Since the start of the 2023 epidemic, which was declared at the end of July, there have been no less than 419 visits to the emergency room for suspected dengue fever and 16 serious cases have been recorded, including 5 involving children. In addition, 5 deaths directly attributable to dengue were recorded. The epidemic continues to progress throughout the territory and surrounding areas. In Saint-Barthélemy, 15 cases were confirmed last week compared to 13 the previous week, 12 of them were clinically confirmed compared to 9 previously, there were 3 visits to the emergency room (compared to 5 the week before) but no hospitalizations . In Saint-Martin, 8 cases were confirmed last week compared to 3 the previous week, 7 clinically suggestive cases, 6 of which required emergency treatment, only one person was hospitalized. Even if the epidemic remains weak in Saint-Martin, the situation is monitored vigilantly by the ARS and preventive measures are more necessary than ever to prevent it from becoming more active: the destruction of larval breeding sites in around homes by getting rid of stagnant water. To avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, wearing long clothing is strongly recommended, as well as sleeping under a mosquito net and using skin repellents. _VX

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