The Tintamarre project was initiated in November 2017 by the Collectivité of Saint-Martin and the Banque des Territoires in order to bury the island's electronic telecommunications network, which until then was aerial and almost entirely destroyed during the season. cyclonic 2017.
The aim is to provide the territory of Saint-Martin with an infrastructure adapted to the climatic and economic challenges of the XNUMXst century.nd century. This complete burial of fixed telecommunications networks is a first for the Antilles-Guyana region: it has the advantage of being a resilient solution for the territory in the face of natural risks while preserving the landscape. By 2023 (planned end date of the work), 72 meters of ducts will be buried, allowing operators to cover 023% of Saint-Martin households with Very High Speed, against 100% currently. All the operators present on the island will be able to benefit from this infrastructure, recall the Banque des Territoires (Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation) and the COM in a press release.
The Tintamarre project represents a total cost estimated at more than 10 M €, to which the Banque des Territoires contributes through an equity investment of 1,5 M €. In order to carry out this ambitious project, SAS Tintamarre was created on July 31, 2020 within the framework of the law of December 17, 2009 relating to the fight against the digital divide known as the “Pintat Law”. The company's shareholding is divided between the Collectivité de Saint-Martin (40% of the capital), the Banque des Territoires (40% of the capital) and Dauphin Telecom Infrastructures (20% of the capital). The share capital of SAS Tintamarre will remain open to any operator wishing to deploy Very High Speed services in Saint-Martin.
Civil engineering works and underground infrastructure construction will be financed in particular thanks to contributions from shareholders and customer operators who will subscribe to the Internet access offer via optical fiber offered by Tintamarre. To be able to benefit from a possible contribution of 6,5 M € of public subsidies (State and European Regional Development Fund), the company has also applied for a call for projects launched on May 19 by the prefecture of the Region. Guadeloupe.
The intervention of the Banque des Territoires in this project is part of its action to serve more connected, more sustainable and more inclusive territories, by providing a concrete solution to the digital divide created by a natural disaster.
For Christophe Laurent, regional director for Antilles-Guyana at Banque des Territoires, “this investment demonstrates the commitment of the Banque des Territoires to the service of Saint-Martin residents, after the actions initiated since the passage of Hurricane Irma in September 2017 and is a new variation of the long-term partnership established with the Collectivity of Saint-Martin ”.
For Daniel Gibbs, president of the Collectivité de Saint-Martin, “this initiative fits perfectly into the master plan for digital land use planning updated in 2020, and in which all access provider operators are mobilizing to offer Very High Speed Broadband to all Saint-Martin residents due 2022-2023 ”.
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