RESCUE: Two boaters rescued by Saint-Martin SNSM rescuers


On Wednesday July 12, at the beginning of the afternoon, the Regional Operational Center for Surveillance and Rescue Antilles-Guyana (CROSS AG) called on volunteers from the SNSM station of Saint-Martin to provide assistance to two navigators suffering of food poisoning.

The latter, aboard a sailboat at anchor opposite Baie Longue, would need relative medical assistance following possible poisoning by dirty drinking water. In addition, the sailboat aboard which the victims are found is in very poor condition (broken rudder) and the dinghy is also down.

Six of the operational rescuers are therefore mobilized, board the high-seas launch and quickly go to the scene.

The boaters have indeed been suffering from mild rashes, tremors and vomiting for 48 hours.

However, after discussion with the boaters and in coordination with the CROSSAG, the decision was made to tow the sailboat and its occupants to Marigot Bay and to request the firefighters to take people to an assessment at the hospital.

Two crew members are left on board the sailboat to prepare the towing maneuver and above all to keep an eye on the state of health of its occupants.

During the towing, the CROSSAG manages the coordination so that the firefighters are present at the ferry dock at the Marigot ferry terminal when the sailboat and the yachtsmen arrive.

Two hours later, the sailboat was firmly anchored to the buoy in Marigot Bay and the passengers were immediately transferred ashore to be taken care of by the medical teams.

The lifeguards of the SNSM station of Saint-Martin can then reach the Marina Fort Louis with the feeling of accomplishment. _AF

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