Recharge your batteries with Ginette Forget


Ginette Forget, a well-known personal development worker, came to Saint-Martin last April to host a conference and an internship at La Plénitude, in Friar's Bay, and to present her book “Holos, the presence in oneself”. The participants were won over by this meeting, and the SXM Harmony association decided to sponsor another event that will take place this weekend. With this new session, you will be able to offer yourself “a time of downtime, silence, tranquility” and “nourish yourself internally, refuel at the very source of life”. The association has planned a presentation of these two days this evening, from 20:30 p.m. to 22 p.m., at La Plénitude (free entry). For more information, contact Stéphanie on 06 90 22 49 99. _EH


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