ROAD SAFETY: The charter of good behavior on the road unveiled at the Daniella Jeffry Professional School


Initiated during the Road Safety Conference in December 2022 and the “Saint-Martin Road Safety” action plan, the charter of good behavior on the road was unveiled last Tuesday at the entrance to the Daniella Jeffry Professional High School. It will be displayed in thirteen educational establishments in the region.

On the occasion of the presentation of this educational tool, Andy Armongon, project manager to the vice-rector of the Education service of the Northern Islands, welcomed the realization of this project carried out with the assistance of several middle and high school students in the area. In turn, Vincent Berton, delegated prefect of the Northern Islands, Harry Christophe, vice-rector, Janine Hamlet, principal of the Daniella Jeffry Professional High School, Bruno Ravier, president of the SXM Road Safety association and the teaching staff greeted the good work carried out by all stakeholders. “With a responsible attitude, we can act and reduce the risk of accidents among young people,” insisted Andy Armongon.

This charter produced by middle school students (5th and 4th of Soualiga and Mont des Accords colleges) and high school students (2nd of LGT Robert Weinum) is intended for a wide audience and above all allows us to recall the essential rules for reasonable driving both by bike and , scooter than motorbike.

This educational charter is available in three languages: French, English and Spanish. It shows four commonly encountered situations (not wearing a helmet, sharing the road with other users,  rear wheel/wheeling and wreck/skeleton scooter) and shows the correct behavior to adopt in this area. It also provides emergency numbers in the event of an accident (15, 17, 18 and 112).

The charter also includes a QR Code directing to a link with an educational file on road safety education projects. Intended for the entire educational community: students, teachers, facilitators and parents, the charter on good behavior on the road will be displayed in 13 primary and secondary schools in Saint-Martin.

This action for the benefit of Saint-Martin youth was financed by the “Road Safety” call for projects managed by the Northern Islands prefecture. “Road Safety is everyone’s business,” Vincent Berton reminded Tuesday. Everyone must be made aware of the dangers of the road, especially young people. Let’s mobilize together to enable everyone to act for a safer road.” _AF

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