ROAD SAFETY / Action plan: increase awareness campaigns


Mobilized for the safety of users, and in particular children, the delegated prefect Vincent Berton was keen to conduct a road safety awareness operation last Tuesday near the Marie Amélie Lédée school in Concordia with a distribution of brochures on good practices to adopt.
In the presence of representatives of the COM, National Education, the Territorial Police and the Local Council for Security and Crime Prevention (CLSPD), Vincent Berton does not mince his words in the face of this scourge of road insecurity which includes a 63% increase in accidents, a 43% increase in injuries and a 70% increase in the number of hospitalizations: “The figures are down everywhere, except in Saint-Martin, there is something that is not working. These tragedies and these destroyed lives are unworthy of Saint-Martin (…). I will not give up on this subject. I have too much respect for the territory to leave things as they are”. With 4 deaths on the roads since the beginning of 2024 (compared to 5 in 2023 over the same period), the mobilization must be citizen-based to reverse the trend. Led with the support of Hugues Loyez, Commander of the Gendarmerie of the Northern Islands, whose teams will strengthen checks, this communication operation targets in particular parents who use two-wheelers and transport their children without helmets, like the action carried out last year at Sandy Ground. The CLSPD will continue its awareness-raising actions from October with a comprehensive offer of workshops, helmet distribution and simulation exercises. _Vx

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