Road Safety: Road hazard prevention sessions at a school in Quartier d'Orléans


On the initiative of the Center Symphorien d'Insertion and its president, Marie-Paule Rousseau-Cornette and in collaboration with the principal Didier Lauglaney, gendarmes from the Bmo and the Compagnie de Saint-Martin went last week to at the Omer Arrondell school in Quartier d'Orléans in order to provide road safety advice to pupils in CM1 and CM2.

For this audience, which is on average around ten years old, it is important to explain how to circulate properly on foot (on a road with or without sidewalks), cross the road, wait for the bus or even ride a bicycle.

Indeed, for example, few people know that, since 2017, children under the age of 12 must now wear a helmet when riding a bike, otherwise they will be fined.

But the message that speakers like Jean-Paul Rousseau, president of SXM Sport Evasion, want to send is also the following: by bicycle (or by motorbike): "you must put on a helmet, not because of the gendarmes, but to protect your life. "

The objective of these meetings is to educate the youngest on the dangers of the road in order to prevent them from reproducing the dangerous behaviors of their elders and to integrate good practices as soon as possible.

These sessions are intended to be repeated and developed also with college students. Other workshops, set up in partnership with the Hope Estate driving school, will complement these prevention days.

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