Seniors Selection: Saint-Martin narrowly defeats Saint-Barth!


Last weekend, the Saint-Martin senior selection went to Saint-Barthélemy in order to play a friendly match against the local 11.

After long months that were more than difficult, the Saint-Martin selection has finally returned to the fields and more precisely that of Saint-Jean, to meet their counterparts in Saint-Barth.

On arrival, Saint-Martin bows with a short head, without ever having deserved (3-2). A parity score would have better reflected the physiognomy of the match.

After the training, we wanted to know where we were in our preparation, "said the trainer, David Baltase, before adding" we still have a lot to work on. We have to make progress in many areas, particularly on the collective aspect. Still, the group is serious, hardworking and eager to represent the colors of its island loud and clear. ”

At the beginning of June, another preparatory meeting will await the Saint-Martin Selection at the neighbor of Anguilla. _AF


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