Signing of a land assistance framework agreement between the COM and the Etablissement Public Foncier de Guadeloupe


On Monday, April 3, a land assistance framework agreement was signed between the Collectivity of Saint-Martin represented by the President, Louis Mussington, Patrick Sellin, President of the Public Land Establishment of Guadeloupe and Corine Vingayaramin, Director General of the EPF. Also present were the Prefect of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin, Vincent Berton, the 1st Vice-President of the COM, Alain Richardson, the 2nd Vice-President, Bernadette Davis and the technicians of the Living Environment service.

This framework agreement signed at the Hôtel de la Collectivité, regulates the relationship between the parties concerning the land assistance missions of the EPF of Guadeloupe for the benefit of the COM of Saint-Martin.

These land assistance missions are organized around two axes:

• A mission of prospecting and land negotiation with a view to the acquisition, by the COM of Saint-Martin, by amicable or judicial means, of plots intended for the realization of development and land-use planning projects.

• Land engineering missions depending on the land issues encountered by the Collectivity. The EPFG will be able to assist the Collectivity of Saint Martin for the following missions:

– Technical assistance for the treatment of urban wasteland (census, identification of measures to be taken for their resorption, etc.);

– The implementation of procedures of the type: "imminent danger", "ordinary danger", "vacant property without a master", "plot in a state of manifest abandonment";

– Technical and administrative assistance in the context of land regularization such as the drafting of an act in administrative form;

– Road classification procedures;

– The implementation of the procedure for the creation of rights of way for pipelines;

– Advisory missions related to land.

In order to start these projects, the visits began at the end of the signing in the Marigot sector.

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