Minimum wage, speeding, license at 17, purchasing power, health: what changes on January 1, 2024


Many changes come into effect on January 1st. Increase in the minimum wage, end of the withdrawal of points for “small” speeding violations, Pôle emploi changes its name. Overview of what’s changing from this Monday.

Driving license at 17

It will now be possible to obtain a B driving license from the age of 17 without accompanied driving, instead of the age of 18 until now. This measure, announced by Elisabeth Borne in June, aims to facilitate the professional and social integration of young people.

Extension of restaurant vouchers for shopping

It will be possible to continue to use your meal vouchers  to do your food shopping until December 31, 2024. The measure, implemented in August 2022, was initially due to end on December 31, 2023. The usage ceiling of 25 euros per day remains unchanged.

Increase in the price of the stamp

2023 was marked by the disappearance of the red stamp, the year 2024 begins with an increase in the price of the green stamp. For a 20 g letter, the price increases from 1,16 to 1,29 euros. Concerning 100 g letters, the price increases from 2,32 to 2,58 euros. The prices of tracked mail are also increasing, from 1,66 to 1,79 euros for a 20 g letter.

Retirement pensions revalued

Following the rate of inflation, retirement pensions will increase by 5,3% on January 1. An increase of 42,40 euros for an average monthly pension of 800 euros.

Increased and expanded repair bonus

Launched last October to encourage households to have their products repaired rather than buying new ones, the repair bonus will be “simplified, expanded and increased” on January 1, in the words of Christophe Béchu, Minister of Ecological Transition. Thus, smartphones and 23 new products are now eligible, bringing the total number of objects concerned to 73.

For example, a reduction of 25 euros will be applied in the event of repair of a broken phone screen by an approved repairer. Certain products, such as dishwashers, washing machines, televisions or vacuum cleaners, will have a larger repair bonus.

Automatic payment of scholarships to parents of middle and high school students

From January 1, scholarships for middle or high school students will be automatically paid. No action to take for parents of students.

Sick leave for miscarriage

Women who have suffered a spontaneous termination of pregnancy will be able to benefit from sick leave without a waiting day.

Health Insurance

Generalization of the “prevention appointment” initially intended for the 45/50 age group.

Pôle emploi becomes France Travail

First major change to start the year, Pôle emploi is changing its name to now France Travail. A simple change of name for the moment but which foreshadows a more significant reform of the operation of the operator from January 1, 2025. France Travail will become the control tower of an “employment network”, by coordinating the action of different actors in integration, training and employment.

The minimum wage revalued

The amount of the minimum wage is increased to 1.398 euros net per month. A mechanical increase of 1,13% due to inflation. Gross, for a full-time job of 35 hours per week, the monthly minimum wage increases to 1.766,93 euros and the hourly minimum wage to 11,65 euros.

Compensation for internships in vocational high schools

All internship periods for professional high school students carried out since the start of the 2023 school year will give rise with retroactive effect to an internship allowance from January, ranging from 50 euros per week (in second grade) to 100 euros per week (in final year) .


From January 1, this new MaPrimeAdapt’ aid will allow elderly people or those with disabilities to finance housing adaptation work. This assistance can cover 50 to 70% of the work, depending on resources. Assistance may apply, for example, to replacing the bathtub with a walk-in shower, installing an electric stair lift, installing handrails, widening doors, adaptation of coverings or even direct access to housing.

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