Faced with the lack of support for artists on the territory, the Interprofessional Consular Chamber of Saint-Martin (CCISM) is organizing Artists' Week from April 11 to 15 in order to inform the people concerned of their rights, to identify their needs and allow them to meet professionals in the sector.
The Artists' Week is led by Luciana Raspail, administrative manager at the CCISM and in charge of organizing this event, the program of which is as rich as it is complete: personalized appointments, information meetings, workshops and round table . In 2022, ninety-five artists from the territory expressed their need for support with the CCISM. Based on this observation, the CCISM imagined the concept of Artists' Week by setting up actions to enable them to exercise their activity with a strong message: "It is possible to live from your art". Also in 2022, Julien Bataille, director of the CCISM, and an elected representative of the Collectivity met with representatives of the Maison des Artistes, an association based in Paris and created in 1952 in a spirit of solidarity and mutual aid for artists. -authors of the visual, graphic and plastic arts. During this exchange, a partnership was established between the two parties in order to organize information sessions for Saint-Martin artists. This will be unprecedented for the Maison des Artistes, which will make its first official trip to the West Indies, with Saint-Martin at the top of the list. The Collectivity's cultural service is associated with the event, as well as Art For Science which will offer a conference on April 15, detailed in a future edition, as well as the La Condamine association, a solidarity community also based in Paris bringing together more than 1500 artist-entrepreneurs who together develop innovative solutions so that everyone lives from their art. The CCISM Artists' Week is five days dedicated to supporting artistic activity with workshops on the creation of an artist's curriculum vitae, the animation of social networks, the search for international clients, or even a round table with visual artists, artists, agents of the culture department, choreographers, all categories combined. The event is open to everyone, free of charge. Registrations for the various activities on the program are already open. The Society of Authors, Composers and Music Publishers (SACEM) was also invited to take part in the CCISM Artists' Week, as well as the intermittent performance service of Pôle Emploi. The call is therefore launched to Saint-Martin artists: RDV from April 11 to 15 at the CCISM. Find the complete program on our digital version. _VX
Info: 05 90 27 91 51 - info@ccism.com – www.ccism.fr
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