The ceremony was held in the patio of the prefecture last Thursday to honor nine citizens in recognition of their daily commitment to the community.
Accompanied by their loved ones, the nine recipients received this honorary distinction with great pride. The delegated prefect of the Northern Islands, Vincent Berton, began the ceremony by saluting their unwavering dedication: “Through your daily mobilization in your sector, you contribute significantly to the influence of the community.”
AUDREY GIL – Knight in the National Order of Merit
With the highest distinction in the National Order of Merit, that of Knight, Audrey Gil, director of ALEFPA-le Manteau since 2015, is rewarded for her career and her crucial role in helping the most deprived. Her commitment and altruism make her a recognized figure on this island and a pillar of social emergency.
JULIETTE IRISH – overseas engagement medal “silver level”
Devoting herself with passion and working for social cohesion from her position as director of the Nature is The Key association, Juliette Irish was decorated with this medal at the bronze level in 2022 by the then Minister Delegate for Overseas Territories, Jean-François Carenco. A very involved leader in the Sandy Ground district, her efforts were rewarded with the “silver level” ultramain commitment medal.
ANTOINE GOMES – “bronze level” overseas engagement medal
Passionate entrepreneur and manager of Coco Beach, Antoine Gomes receives the medal of overseas commitment “bronze level”. Involved in his sector and in the growth of tourism, he launched the Mangrove project last year to allow 100 young people to discover the luxury hotel industry and build the Saint-Martin of tomorrow.
CELINE RENGER – “bronze level” overseas engagement medal
Educational advisor in plastic and visual arts, Céline Renger distinguished herself through her involvement in the deployment of the Micro-Folie digital museum project in the territory. This medal highlights her remarkable commitment to cultural enrichment through awareness-raising.
RUDY ALEXANDRE – “bronze level” overseas engagement medal
The man who played a key role in the post-Irma reconstruction was praised for his efficiency, his skills and his great interpersonal skills. Rudy Alexandre, who does not hesitate to challenge the prefect in public meetings, was awarded the “bronze level” overseas engagement medal for his natural ability to find solutions as director of operations for Semsamar.
KATHY AFRICA – “bronze level” overseas engagement medal
Project manager of the Cité Éducative since September 2022, Kathy Africa receives the “bronze level” overseas engagement medal for her commitment to the life of Saint-Martin. Present on all fronts, she fights passionately for self-development actions and reinforced support for the youth of Sandy Ground, towards educational success.
VANION HODGE – Overseas Commitment Medal “Bronze Level”
A passionate fisherman since 1997, Vanion Hodge is very involved in the development and protection of fishing in Saint-Martin, but also in passing on his knowledge to young Saint-Martiners in order to train them for the next generation. An example to follow, he received the “bronze level” overseas commitment medal in tribute to his dedication and the risks he takes every day to feed the population.
JEAN-CLAUDE LATOURNERIE – “bronze level” overseas engagement medal
Managing Director of the Voyager company, Jean-Claude Latournerie is a key player in the continuity of maritime links. In place since 1995, he has become a key figure of the Voyager, which played an important role in post-cyclone medical evacuations. Occasional collaborator of the public service, Jean-Claude Latournerie receives the medal of overseas commitment “bronze level”.
MARIE-ANTOINETTE LAMPIS: Medal of Honor for Overseas Commitment, “Bronze” Level
Director of the Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy hospitals since 2019 and still officially in office although on sick leave for health reasons since 2023, Marie-Antoinette Lampis was awarded, “with delay for various reasons”, the “bronze” level overseas commitment medal of honor for her “relentless investment in the face of management challenges of the two hospital establishments during the difficult period of the covid pandemic.
This ceremony highlights the essential contribution of these nine citizens to the community, each in their own field of expertise. _Vx
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