Laureates' evening: New graduates are invited to register between 09 and 16 July 


As part of the organization of the reward evening for the baccalaureates "Soirée des Lauréats 2018", the Collectivity of Saint-Martin invites high school students who will have obtained their Baccalaureate and 2nd cycle students who will have obtained their post bac diploma (BTS) , DUT, License, Master 1, Master 2 or Doctorate), to register with the Youth and Sports Department of the Community, located at the Annex to the Community (Administrative city), rue Fayel in Concordia.

This registration will allow them to participate in the Laureates' evening, which will be held on Friday, July 20, 2018.

Registrations will be open between Monday, July 09 and Friday, July 16, 2018 from 08:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m., winners must be provided with a copy of their identity documents, and their proof of success.

The Collectivity of Saint-Martin will be delighted to reward the region's new graduates during this evening which is entirely dedicated to them.

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