Rank advancement promotion rate


The Territorial Council deliberated on July 20 on the promotion rates for grade advancements applicable within the Collectivity of Saint-Martin.

Pursuant to the provisions of Article L. 522-27 of the General Code of the Public Service (CGFP), it is up to each deliberative assembly to set, after consulting the Territorial Social Committee (CST), the rate making it possible to determine, at based on the number of officials fulfilling the conditions for appointment to an advancement grade, the maximum number of officials who may be promoted to that grade. The purpose of the deliberation of the last Territorial Council was to set this rate for each level accessible by way of grade advancement. It can vary between 0% and 100%. In the administrative, technical, cultural, sports, animation and medico-social streams, the promotion rate can vary between 0 and 100%. Hierarchical categories A, B and C2 to C3 as well as supervisors to main supervisors now have a promotion rate of 50%. Only categories C1 to C2 benefit from a 100% grade advancement promotion rate. This modality concerns all the grades of advancement (for all the courses mentioned above), except those of the employment framework of territorial police officers, hors classe attachés,

senior engineers, general administrators and general engineers. These grades are governed by specific conditions of advancement, falling under specific statutes. The Territorial Council of July 20 decides that grade advancement is subject to the following conditions: the fact of having joined the Collectivity, i.e. not being in a position of secondment, the existence of a suitable between the grade targeted and the function, the fact of having benefited from a professional assessment and finally, the condition of not having obtained a promotion (advancement or internal promotion) over the previous three years, known as the "3-year rule" ._VX

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