Arcep (Electronic Communications and Post Regulatory Authority) publishes data related to the quality of 4G coverage, mobile services, SMS, etc., of mobile telephone operators located in Saint-Martin, which are Dauphin Telecom. , Digicel, Orange and UTS Caribbean. Note that UTS Caraibe only offers 3G coverage partly in France.
We published the performance of the operators in December 2019. Fifteen months later, we are measuring the changes.
4G, voice and SMS coverage
Digicel and Dauphin Telecom have gained one point and offer 4G coverage of the population of 98 and 95% and the territory of 96 (+ 2 points) and 86% respectively. Orange remains the leader with a coverage rate of 99% of the population and the territory.
For voice and SMS, Arcep indicates that 99% of the population are under very good coverage with Orange, 77% with Digicel and 50% with Dauphin Telecom.
Call and SMS quality
According to measurements taken between October 2020 and January 2021 with 4G compatible terminals, 52% of calls made in transport with Orange were maintained for 2 minutes, 85% with Dauphin Telecom, 74% with Digicel and 65% with UTS. In the living quarters, 83, 79, 70 and 66% of the calls made respectively with Orange, Digicel, UTS and Dauphin were held for more than 2 minutes.
Regarding the reception of SMS in transport, 100% of SMS were received in less than 10 seconds with Orange, 93% with UTS, 89% with Dauphin and 2% with Digicel. On the living premises, the performances are respectively 99, 90, 84 and 2%.
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