All the answers to your questions about the Coronavirus COVID-19:


On March 16, 2020, the President of the Republic decided to take measures to reduce contact and travel to a minimum. A containment system is in place throughout the territory from Tuesday March 17 at 12 noon, for a minimum of fifteen days. Travel is prohibited except in the following cases and only on condition of having a certificate for :

  • Move from home to work when telework is not possible;
  • Make essential purchases in authorized local shops;
  • Go to a health professional;
  • Travel for childcare or to help vulnerable people with the strict condition of respecting barrier gestures;
  • Exercise only on an individual basis, around the home and without any gathering.

The two documents required to travel are available:

  • the individual certificate is to be downloaded or reproduced on free paper. It must be completed for each non-professional trip;
  • the employer's certificate can be downloaded. It is valid for the duration of the confinement measures and therefore does not have to be renewed every day.

Violations of these rules will be penalized with a fine of 135 euros. The Ministry of Solidarity and Health updates its recommendations regularly to protect your health and recommend the right actions to take in the face of the Coronavirus COVID-19.

Faced with infections, there are simple steps to preserve your health and that of those around you:

  • Wash your hands very regularly
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow or into a tissue
  • Greet without shaking hands, avoid kissing
  • Use and dispose of single-use tissues
  • Avoid gatherings, limit travel and contacts

I have symptoms (cough, fever) that make me think of COVID-19: I stay at home, I avoid contact, I call a doctor before going to his office or I call the hotline number in my region. I can also benefit from a teleconsultation.

If the symptoms worsen with breathing difficulties and signs of suffocation, I call the SAMU-Center 15.

Who is considered an “at risk” person?

  • people aged 70 and over;
  • patients with chronic dialysis renal failure, NYHA III or IV stage heart failure
  • patients with a cardiovascular history: complicated hypertension, history of stroke or coronary artery disease, heart surgery, NYHA III or IV stage heart failure;
  • insulin-dependent diabetics who are unbalanced or who have complications secondary to their pathology;
  • people with a chronic respiratory pathology likely to decompensate during a viral infection;
  • patients with chronic kidney disease on dialysis;
  • people with congenital or acquired immunosuppression (medicinal products: anti-cancer chemotherapy, immunosuppressant, biotherapy and / or corticosteroid therapy at an immunosuppressive dose, uncontrolled HIV infection with CD4 <200 / mm³, following a solid organ transplant or hematopoietic stem cells, with malignant hemopathy during treatment, with metastasized cancer);
  • at least stage B cirrhosis patients;
  • pregnant women from the 3rd trimester of pregnancy;
  • people with morbid obesity (body mass index> 40kg / m²)


What individual behavior to adopt when faced with Coronavirus?

If I have some no symptoms I apply barrier gestures (I wash my hands very regularly, I cough and sneeze into my elbow, I use disposable tissues, I greet without shaking hands and I avoid kissing I reduce my outings what is strictly necessary: ​​work (if teleworking impossible), errands and medical visits essential.

If I have some no symptoms but that I had a close contact or live with a COVID-19 patient : I isolate myself at home, I strictly reduce my outings except for food supplies, I apply barrier gestures (I wash my hands very regularly, I cough and I sneeze in my elbow, I use tissues for use unique, I greet without shaking my hand and I avoid kissing), I take my temperature 2 times a day and I self-monitor the symptoms of the disease, I telecommute.

If I am a health professional not presenting no symptoms but that I had a contact with a COVID-19 patient in the absence of appropriate protective measures : I monitor myself by taking my temperature 2 times a day, I apply barrier gestures (I wash my hands very regularly, I cough and sneeze in my elbow, I use disposable tissues, I greet without shaking my hand and I avoid kissing), I wear a mask at my workplace and with the patients for 14 days, I contact a doctor and get tested systematically if symptoms appear.
If I have symptoms suggestive of COVID 19 (cough, fever, breathing difficulties): I call my doctor or a doctor by teleconsultation, I only call 15 if I have breathing difficulties or if I have feels unwell, I isolate myself strictly at home. I only get tested if I am a fragile or at risk person, if I have signs of seriousness, if I am already hospitalized, if I am a healthcare professional, if I am a fragile person in a collective structure (EPHAD, handicap ). Ambulatory tests, with samples taken at home, are possible. If I do not belong to any of these categories, a doctor performs the diagnosis on clinical signs.
If I test positive or if I am diagnosed clinically: I stay strictly at home, if I have an essential medical appointment I wear a mask to get there. In case of breathing difficulty, I call 15. I am prescribed a work stoppage by my doctor. Depending on my situation, I monitor myself, or my doctor sets up a monitoring protocol. My isolation will be lifted 48 hours after the complete resolution of the symptoms.

If I have symptoms suggestive of COVID 19 (cough, fever, breathing difficulties): I call my doctor or a doctor by teleconsultation, I only call 15 if I have breathing difficulties or if I have felt unwell, I strictly isolate myself at home. I only get tested if I am a fragile or at risk person, if I have signs of seriousness, if I am already hospitalized, if I am a healthcare professional, if I am a fragile person in a collective structure (EPHAD, handicap ). If I do not belong to any of these categories, a doctor performs the diagnosis on clinical signs. Outpatient testing is possible.

If I test positive or if I am clinically diagnosed : I stay strictly at home, if I have an essential medical appointment I wear a mask to go there. In case of breathing difficulty, I call the 15th. I am prescribed an initial sick leave lasting 7 to 14 days, between the 6th and the 8th day I have a medical opinion, remotely, to make monitor my symptoms. Depending on my condition, I renew this stop for 7 additional days. My isolation will be lifted 48 hours after the symptoms have completely resolved.

If I test negative, I continue to apply barrier gestures (I wash my hands very regularly, I cough and sneeze in my elbow, I use disposable tissues, I greet without shaking my hand and I avoid hugs) and I limit my movements to what is strictly necessary.

If I am a healthcare professional and that I have symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 (cough, fever, breathing difficulties): I contact my doctor, the doctor in my health care structure or a doctor by teleconsultation. I only call the 15th if I have difficulty breathing. I isolate myself strictly at home and I get tested systematically. If I am positive, I isolate myself strictly. If I am negative, I can continue the work.

Should I wear a mask?

Wearing a surgical mask is not recommended without the presence of symptoms. The mask is not the right answer for the general public because it cannot be worn permanently and above all has no indication without close and prolonged contact with a patient.

It is barrier gestures and social distancing that are effective.

What sanitary measures are taken to avoid contact?

On March 16, 2020, the President of the Republic decided to take measures to reduce contact and travel to the whole of the territory to a minimum as of Tuesday March 17 at 12:00 noon, for a minimum of fifteen days. Travel is prohibited except in the following cases and on certificate only for:

  • Move from home to work when telework is not possible;
  • Make essential purchases in authorized local shops;
  • Go to a health professional;
  • Travel to take care of your children or help vulnerable people on the strict condition of respecting barrier gestures;
  • Exercise only on an individual basis, around the home and without any gathering.

Violations of these rules will be punished with a fine ranging from 38 to 135 euros.


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