Works: Launch of the 2nd phase of repair of the road network of Saint-Martin


As of this week, the Collectivité de Saint-Martin is carrying out the second phase of repair and asphalt work on the RN7. 

The company in charge of the public road network repair contract is in fact quick to intervene according to the following schedule:

- Tuesday 7 afternoon and Wednesday 8 morning: work in front of the nursery and elementary schools of Sandy Ground (work on half-roadway on the school side on 210ml);

- Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10: work at Sandy Ground, over any width of the road, on a section of 500ml from the bridge, towards Nettlé bay and work at Galisbay from the Agrément roundabout over 200ml towards the seafront;

- Thursday 10 and Friday 11: work in Grand Case, from the bridge to the Route de l'Esperance.

This work is carried out during the day because of the noise pollution they generate and consists of cutting the roadway and laying the new asphalt. Road traffic will be altered in the work areas.


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