WORKS: Visit of the 600 college in Quartier d'Orléans


President Louis Mussington and 3rd Vice-President Dominique Louisy, in charge of education, visited on Monday June 26  on the reconstruction site of Collège 600 in Quartier d'Orléans.

Objective of this field visit: to take stock of the progress of the construction site and to ensure that all needs are taken into account.

Additional arrangements have been decided by President Mussington and his team, in particular an increased number of SEGPA classes and the implementation of an entirely digital establishment.

It was decided to reinforce the sustainable construction of the building by making this college totally self-sufficient in energy, thanks to the installation of photovoltaic panels.

The president also ensured compliance with the social integration clauses in the public contract for the construction of the college and the working hours dedicated to the recruitment of young job seekers in the area.

The construction cost of the 600 college in Quartier d'Orléans is co-financed by the State, Europe and the Community, for a total amount of 22 million euros.


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