COURT: 1 year in prison for child abuse


A 6-year-old boy was placed in foster care after suffering violence and neglect from his parents.

Malnourished and a victim of physical and verbal abuse from his father, AJM, aged 5 at the time of the events, was living a real nightmare. The little boy's entourage is unanimous: he is being abused and must leave his home as soon as possible. The hospital, the school principal and the France Victimes 978 association are worried about the future of the little boy described as being in a state of worrying malnutrition and muteness. "Their accommodation is unsanitary, there is no running water, the child's room smells of urine and AJM is being abused. I ask that the sentence be strong and firm," declared the deputy prosecutor. "At 6 years old, he cannot write his first name or answer the questions asked of him during his hearing. He is terrified. The father, CW, seems to say that he is playing his “parental role normally,” adds the lawyer contacted by France Victime 978. On May 26, 2023, CW, the child’s father, admitted, in police custody, to correcting his child since it was his “right as a father to slap him and hit him with a leather belt.” He also told the authorities that he insulted his child when talking to him was no longer enough. The next day, the little boy found refuge with a foster family and “he is better now,” said his mother, who came to testify in court. CW was sentenced to one year in prison and will have to pay €2000 in immediate payment to the France Victimes 978 association, which brought a civil action as the minor’s ad hoc administrator. The amount of damages will be examined at a hearing set for April 1, 2025. _LM

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