
A photo competition dedicated to overseas territories


Throughout the month of August, the overseas ministry in partnership with Wikimedia and the French development agency offers anyone who wishes to try to win the "photograph the overseas" competition.

The aim of the maneuver is to allow the development of overseas territories which are sorely lacking in visibility, even though the national biodiversity is mainly concentrated in these territories (80%). “To participate, all you have to do is take and send your most beautiful shots of one of the protected natural areas in overseas France. Eighteen nature reserves and sixty protected areas, present in the twelve inhabited overseas territories, are concerned by the competition ”. Here is the list of the zones concerned in Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy:


"Agoa" Sanctuary of marine mammals

National nature reserve of St Barthélemy: Exceptional wealth of reefs and associated ecosystems (seagrass) + species of fish, turtles - nesting place - marine mammals, terrestrial fauna (iguana). Anthropogenic threats.


Wetlands and marshes: mangroves, reefs and seagrass. Bird migrations. Issue: international biodiversity. Site threatened with presence of sea turtles.

"Agoa" Sanctuary of marine mammals

The national natural reserve of Saint-Martin: Reefs, mangroves and seagrass beds, exceptional flora and fauna with protected species of birds, marine mammals, fish, corals.

Twelve pictures will be chosen (1 per territory). The winners will be awarded the Wikimedia France prize and will be the subject of an exhibition at the premises of the French development agency in Paris during the fall of 2018. The twelve winners will also receive a paper print of their work from value of 216th. To avoid any misunderstanding, know that your photos will then be available on the net under a free license to allow massive and legal access. To find out more and participate if you feel the soul of a flag bearer, find all the information on: http: //www.outre-mer.gouv.fr/concours-photographiez-les-outre-mer  _NB

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