An information forum to inform and support SXM associations organized Wednesday, February 19 at the CCISM


On the initiative of the First Vice-President, Valérie Damaseau, the Collectivity of Saint-Martin joined the State services, in order to offer an information meeting specially dedicated to officials and members of associations in the field.

The Collectivity regularly receives requests on existing funds and support possibilities for associations. To answer these many questions, the First Vice-President wished to set up an information forum in which all the services of the Community and the State working in the associative field, will be present.

The associations of Saint-Martin are cordially invited to participate in this Forum, on Wednesday, February 19 at 18 p.m., in the CCISM meeting room in Concordia. They will be able to glean a lot of information on the functioning of associations, access to funding and administrative obligations.

During this meeting, the Collectivity will transmit information on the various financing mechanisms existing in national law, to which the associations of Saint-Martin can claim.

Support for these structures will also be put in place.

The Collectivity invites those involved in the voluntary sector to take advantage of this system and to come in large numbers to obtain information.


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