Extremely poor choice of words, there's nothing ironic about the lost of a mother.
The expression is well known but used wrongly in this context and time of great loss for our neighborhood of Grand-Case, The entire Island, his loved ones and family.
I ask that you put some respect to your journalism.
The Overseas Issuing Institute (IEOM) and the Overseas Departments Issuing Institute (IEDOM) recently reviewed the economic situation in the overseas territories in 2016. .. .
Extremely poor choice of words, there's nothing ironic about the lost of a mother.
The expression is well known but used wrongly in this context and time of great loss for our neighborhood of Grand-Case, The entire Island, his loved ones and family.
I ask that you put some respect to your journalism.
have you checked this information with the hospital or are you repeating everything SMN News publishes? even what is not proven?