As part of the training of the BP JEPS AAN (Professional Certificate of Youth, Popular Education and Sport, Aquatic Activities and Swimming), nine future lifeguards will propose their project of animation on the territory of Saint-Martin from March 4 to April 8, 2023.
Set up by the Collectivity of Saint-Martin with the CREPS Antilles Guyane (Center for Resources of Expertise and Sports Performance), the lifeguard training has ten participants but only nine of them must organize a sporting event in order to validate the first two capitalizable units (UC) of the Professional Certificate, the tenth having already taken and passed these tests. To become a lifeguard, four CUs are necessary: supervising any public in any place and any structure (UC1), designing and implement an animation project as part of the structure's program (UC2), conduct an animation or learning cycle in the field of aquatic activities of swimming (UC3) and mobilize the techniques of aquatic activities and swimming to organize a learning session (UC4).
This training, coordinated by Boris Villemin (Tous à l'Ô) and overseen by Cécile Lucidarme (CREPS) and which began on September 12, 2022 and ends on June 27, is 85% funded by the European Social Fund (ESF ) and 15% by the Collectivity of Saint-Martin for an amount of €13.000 per candidate, an amount higher than the cost of a "classic" Professional Certificate in view of the trips made by the participants (Saint-Barthélemy a times a month and three trips to the CREPS in Guadeloupe) and the lack of structures in the area. Ten people aged 20 to 47 have therefore been working hard since last September to assimilate the courses. They must accumulate 700 hours in the classroom and 300 hours of internship in a company by the end of the training.
At the end of the project presentations, each candidate will tackle the last two modules, namely an oral presentation for 20 minutes before the certification evaluation committee and an interview in the form of questions asked by the jury over an identical period of 20 minutes. minutes which aims to verify the acquisition of skills with a professional scenario. Depending on the calendar, each event will be highlighted in our next editions in order to invite the population to register or attend to support future lifeguards who will be evaluated by a tutor during their pilot day. This Monday, February 27, the nine candidates have already shown great motivation and boundless passion for the idea of exercising this beautiful profession of lifeguard. To be continued… _VX
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