Armed violence: the public prosecutor and the gendarmerie on the front line


The public prosecutor, Xavier Sicot, and the commander of the gendarmerie, Hugues Loyez, held a press conference on January 15 to take stock of the worrying increase in armed violence in Saint-Martin. In less than two weeks, the territory has recorded three homicides, all related to the use of firearms.


Among recent events, the double homicide of January 9, which occurred in Quartier d'Orléans, near a school, particularly moved the population. "I understand the shock felt," said the prosecutor, explaining that these acts are part of typical patterns of territorial control or revenge. These homicides are described as "murder by an organized gang," punishable by life imprisonment.


An alarming resurgence since September 2024

According to Xavier Sicot, violence has accelerated significantly since September 2024. Armed robberies, which were already a concern, have doubled compared to 2023. Now, attackers no longer hesitate to use their weapons, including against tourists or isolated locals, often at night. “Exhibition is no longer enough, we are taking action,” he laments.


The majority of the identified perpetrators are aged between 18 and 25, although a growing number of minors are also involved. “This is a critical period when the lure of easy money often takes precedence over the value of life,” the prosecutor added, calling on families to raise awareness among their loved ones to prevent further tragedies.


Reinforced means to stop the escalation

Faced with this situation, the authorities have stepped up their efforts. The gendarmerie, supported by criminal identification units and criminal analysis experts, is conducting in-depth investigations to dismantle the networks involved. “The military is doing an exceptional and dangerous job,” stressed Commander Loyez, referring to a “combat posture” to secure the territory. Soon, gendarmerie checks at the request of the prosecutor to track down handguns and war weapons will be intensified according to Hugues Loyez: “There will be gendarmes everywhere and all the time on the side of the road to clear the territory of killers, the population will quickly get tired of this violence, it is regrettable to see young people taking this trajectory.”


The prosecution has also reorganized its priorities, temporarily setting aside certain procedures to focus on the most serious cases. “For the majority of cases, we will have the perpetrators,” assured Xavier Sicot, welcoming the progress already made, notably with the incarceration of two individuals involved in an armed attack in Grand-Case on January 5.


The key role of citizens and families

The authorities insist on the need for collective mobilization. Many residents hesitate to testify for fear of reprisals. To remedy this, anonymous testimony systems are being set up. “Saying things can prevent a tragedy,” recalled the prosecutor, calling on families to report the presence of weapons or suspicious behavior.


The origin of the weapons, sometimes category A, often linked to international networks or drug trafficking, makes the situation worse. The gendarmerie carries out targeted checks to limit their circulation and track down suspicious vehicles. However, the lack of nautical resources complicates the fight against illegal flows from neighboring territories.


A call for peace

Despite the difficulties, the authorities remain determined. “This territory deserves better,” said Xavier Sicot, calling for collective awareness. The actions underway aim to stop this spiral of violence and restore serenity.

“If we are at a turning point, it is to take the right direction,” concluded the prosecutor, firmly committed to making Saint-Martin a place where peace and security regain their rights. _Vx


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