Every year around «St-Maarten’s Day», the Concordia Cup, our local «Ryder Cup», sees the best golf players from the Dutch side (SMGA) compete against best players from the French side (Tamarins Golf Association). This week-end at 8am, after the morning briefing, the players will all do their best to clock up points for their team and go on to win the Jason Nyuiadzi Trophy. Last year, the French side won the Concordia Cup by one point, this year the battle will be tough. Saturday morning matchplays teams of 2 : 9 foursome, afternoon: 9 fourballs. Sunday: 18 single matchplays.

French team: Leobold N, Garcia P, Garcia E, Fuentes L, Thevenet P, Bedu D, Haillant A, Haillant J, Cazemajou Y, Rivaut J, Springer Y, Nyuiadzi Y, Anton F, Kerfourn D, Levy C, Berchoux R, Bouille A-M, Meziere O.

St-Maarten : Hobgood H, Parisi P, Lee Hallam, Van der Heuvel R, Mix S, Burn T, Jacobsen S, Jensen L, Gibson R, Perez R, Jim Rosen J, Van lersel M, Patterson K, Graham K, Rivera J, Bashir S, Holtland IP, Samuel S.

More information on golf here : & Come and support your team !! _AH

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