According to data collected at the Raizet station by Météo France, the average minimum temperatures were 21,3 ° C in December and 20,4 ° C in January. The temperature of 18 ° C was recorded on January 10 and December 25.
In the northern islands, it is a little warmer. 23,4 ° C and 23,7 ° C are in fact the average minimum temperatures observed in January and December at the Saint-Barthélemy station by Météo France, data in Saint-Martin are unavailable. The average high temperature was 28,7 ° C in January.
The lowest daily value recorded in December in Saint-Barthélemy is 22,3 ° C (on the 19th) and 21,8 ° C in January (the 2nd).
According to Météo France, the monthly average observed in January between 1981 and 2010 is 23,2 ° C. The lowest temperature in January was recorded in 1976 on 24: 19,5 ° C.
It rained little with a rainfall height of 9,4 mm for the month of January against 50,3 mm in December and 119,5 mm in November 2018.
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