Since school transport is no longer provided, some students are taken by their parents, others have to make their own way to school. And the medium used is the bus. Whether it's legal or not.
As there are no regular lines serving the Savannah from all districts, students are often forced to take two buses, one regular and the other gypsy. This is the case of students living in particular in the Quartier d'Orléans, Concordia or Sandy Ground and having to go to the school complex.
Since school transport is no longer provided, young people residing at Sandy Ground take a gypsy bus in the morning to Marigot, then the regular line to the school complex. In the afternoon, after class, they follow the same route in the opposite direction. It is not uncommon to come across a mini-bus type vehicle with a dozen or even a dozen young adolescents wearing a uniform on board and to see it stop on the side of the road to let the young people get off.
This situation is not new, it has already been happening for many years now since there was no school transport between Nettle Bay / Sandy Ground and the school complex. But during the last holidays of All Saints' Day, the community set up a new line between these districts precisely to meet the strong demand of parents. Unfortunately it has not yet been able to function.
The cessation of activity and especially the fact that no solution has yet been found quickly, entail two consequences. On the one hand, young people borrow gypsy taxis, the vehicles of which are often not insured to perform this type of transport. On the other hand, it represents a financial additional cost.
For each section, they have to pay $ 1, or $ 4 per day, $ 20 per week if they have lessons from Monday to Friday. 20 dollars is practically 15% of the annual price of the transport card offered by the Collectivity. (
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